Morris Moving’s New Team Member

Hello All!

My name is Miles Cutler and I am the newest member of the Morris Moving team. I’d like to introduce myself, and explain why I chose Morris Moving.

I originally hail from Scranton, PA, but spent the bulk of my life in Fair Lawn, NJ. I attended my mother’s alma mater, Fairleigh Dickinson University in Teaneck, NJ and graduated in 2015 with a degree in Business Management and a minor in English Language and Literature. I recently spent over a month in Jerusalem as an intern revitalizing the image of a telecom company. But I knew my future was back in the states, so, to distort a quote by LeBron James, “I’ve decided to take my talents to New York City” (if only LeBron had actually said this). I am Morris Moving & Storage’s new Business Development person, ready to show the world how incredible of a company this is.

I’ve come to Morris Moving because I appreciate determination and perseverance, and that has been the M.O. of this company since its inception. While other moving companies can claim to have been around since the stone age, none can claim to be run by a direct descendant of the founder, 119 years later! The company was founded by Abraham Morris, a Russian immigrant, in 1898 (before trucks were invented). He passed it down to his son, Louis, in 1935, who carried it through the Great Depression. He then, after 40 years at the helm, gave the reins to his son, Stephen. Jacob Morris, Stephen’s son and the great grandson of Abraham Morris, then took over for his father in 2007 and has been its leader to this very day. You simply cannot beat 119 years of experience.

Morris Moving’s three foreman have been with the company for 28 years, 27 years, and 20 years, respectively. This team is a family who has been together through it all, and as a result, the service we provide is incomparable. No other moving company comes close in terms of know-how, execution, or dedication to its people. And once you hire Morris Moving, you become one of its people, and a benefactor of its know-how and execution. We move from all around the greater New York City area (including, but not limited to, Manhattan, The Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Westchester County, and more) to anywhere in the United States or across the world!

I look forward to meeting all of you! Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or would like an estimate.

Best wishes for a prosperous 2017!

Miles Cutler