Subtle Energy, Profound Effects: How Feng Shui Affects Your Home

Have you ever walked into a home, and as you’re walking around, you get a weird feeling in your gut, as if something doesn’t feel right about it? That’s because of the home’s energy, according to Feng Shui expert Josiah Bouricius.

Prospective homebuyer’s decisions are made based more on intuition than reason and fact. They will purchase a home they feel at peace in, and turn away homes they get unsettled in. A home makes a person feel comfortable and welcome, and is easy to envision living in. Even if they can’t verbally express it, there’s something about the home that makes a homebuyer feel good.

There’s an entire field of study dedicated to understanding and implementing the energies at play here, and it’s called Feng Shui, the philosophical system of harmonizing people with their environment. So before you move in New York City, be sure to consult a Feng Shui expert.

Josiah Bouricius, founder of Feng Shui for Success and Abundance (, is one of the few traditionally trained Chinese Feng Shui consultants in New York City. He helps Real Estate agents cleanse the energies in homeswelcomingfoyer they’re selling or renting. “Anything that happens in a space leaves an energetic impression”, says Josiah, “Those impressions can either be positive ones, left by happy moments, love, and community, or negative energies left by conflict, divorce. and other traumatic events.”

The strategic approach of traditional Chinese Feng Shui starts out with a meditative energy clearing, then an assessment and adjustment of the objects, colors, artwork, etc. in a home. Josiah’s aim, when doing doing an energy clearing, is to let the positive impressions stay, but clear out the negative ones, thus welcoming a fresh, new energy into the home to mingle with the existing, positive energies.

What are some things you can do to improve the energy of the home you’re trying to sell? Firstly, clear the entrance.The front entrance of the apartment is known as the Mouth of Qi (Energy Flow/Life Force), and as such, you need a warm and inviting space welcoming potential homebuyers. Have a warm, brightly colored image or flowers at the entrance, and make sure there is no obstruction.

When something particularly devastating happens in a home, it can leave a wallop of a negative impression. If someone died in the house, or there was an unhappy marriage, the energies left to linger can affect how the home feels for years to come. “Surprisingly, energies left over from divorces, or physically/emotionally confrontational marriages can sometimes be worse than energies left over after someone died in the home.” In such a circumstance, it may take a few energy clearing sessions to rid the home of such powerfully harmful energies.

A home is a sacred space, where life’s most cherished moments are shared. We as movers in New York know how precious your home is, because we help you and your clients settle down in it. If something feels amiss after you’ve moved in New York, or if you’re having difficult selling a property in New York, give Josiah at Feng Shui for Success and Abundance a call.